By Sarah Beagley
In an exciting moment for the Thirds squad, leader Jarryd ‘Didge’ Di Genova will run out this Saturday in a milestone 100 games for the CYs.
Didge started playing for CYs in 2015 after finishing up his junior footy years with Point Cook. “I was pretty adamant I was ready to move on, regardless if it was only a 2 minute drive to the ground. However, the prospect of travelling down Williamstown Rd was exciting”.
With the Di Genovas already a household name at the CYs, Didge quickly became a part of the CYs family and hasn’t looked back. “Apart from the family connection and the inclusiveness that the club provided then and now, it was simply a case of “if you can’t beat them, join them”. Playing at a club where we were whipping boys for the likes of Malkoun, Pup and Hiney, I thought I’d venture down and see what I had missed out on.”
And join them he did. Didge has lined up for most matches alongside CYs champions Aidan Millar, Louis Hogarth and Lachlan Hine; and played under legendary coaches Tails, Gav Deller, KB, Wyndy and, poetically, his father Didge Senior.
As Didge’s biggest fan and now his coach, father David is honoured to have been a part of Didge’s CYs journey. “Being a father and coach does present some challenges, more so for Jarryd as you tend to be harder on your own and he finds it hard to come up with excuses to miss training. Over the years we have managed to strike up a good balance. If he plays a good game I hear about it until Sunday night, if he plays a bad game he hears about it until the following Saturday. I’m proud that he has reached this milestone and I’ve been a part of most of them and look forward to many more.”
Joking that his career highlight is “generally just getting a kick, I tend to make hard work of it”, Didge has been a vital part of a string of epic games and wins at the CYs. Starting off strong in his first game at the club, Didge remembers sealing the win by a point on the siren after scores were level late in the fourth quarter; “thankfully the first and last time I have played Ivanhoe”.
Playing this year in the strong thirds side, you’ll find Didge ready and raring each Saturday, smashing the traditional Maccas brekky pre-game and enjoying a laugh with his teammates. His favourite part of game day though? “Other than someone screaming out “who has the esky?!”, it’s running out with a group of your mates who all are there to have a kick and play for the club we love.”
“In all seriousness though, I’ve been involved in some great wins against quality opposition that makes you realise just how special playing 100 games at the club is, because those moments don’t come around too often.”
“Anyone that I have come into contact with at the club has played a massive part [in reaching this milestone]. The moment I realised I wanted to join the CY’s, it hadn’t taken much convincing to want to be apart of the club for years to come. A few of the 100 games have been a charity at times however I wouldn’t want it any other way. Cheers to many more!”
Congratulations to Didge on this impressive milestone, we can’t wait to watch you run out this week against the Monash Uni Blues, 9:20am at the Frearson Oval!